Life as a doctoral student - Pil Maria Saugmann

“Today it’s the 12th of March. A day that marks a weird anniversary for me. It has now been a year since my supervisor and I planned what to do if we had to work from home for a while. I don’t think either of us had imagined what it would really be like.

I consider myself lucky, I get to represent doctoral students in Sweden as chair of SFS-DK. It has been incredibly fun, and I have gotten to meet and work with a lot of people, who, like me, care about research, higher education, and of course doctoral education. This year, it has however also meant I have gotten to know how the pandemic affects doctoral education. Recently we, SFS and SFS-DK, published a report “Delays in doctoral education due to the corona pandemic”. Here we discuss what can be done about the delays doctoral students experience.”

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